Orders can be picked up at your convenience the day you receive your pickup ready notification, and the following day:

During the weekdays, you can pick up your order the day you receive your pickup ready notification until 8pm that day, or between 9am-8pm the following day at your convenience. Pickup will be from the front porch next door to the shop at 4179 Shenandoah Ave. Your order will be marked with your name; please be sure to pick up the correct order. 

If you don't pick up your order by 8pm the day after you receive your pickup ready notification OR if you receive this one a weekend:

If you do not pick up your order by 8pm the day after you receive your pickup ready notification or if you receive your order ready notification on a weekend, your next opportunity to pick up your order will be inside of Bonboni (2246 Klemm St) during our next open hours (Saturdays from 10-3 and Sundays from 11-3). If these times do not work for you, please reach out to us at hello@bonbonistl.com and we can arrange another alternative.


You receive a pickup ready notification at 1pm on Monday afternoon. You can pickup your order on the front porch of the house next to the shop (4179 Shenandoah Ave.) on Monday from 1pm-8pm or Tuesday from 9am-8pm. If you don't pick up your order by Tuesday at 8pm, your next opportunity to pick up your order will be inside of Bonboni during our open hours of Saturday from 10-3 or Sunday 11-3, unless you make other arrangements by contacting us.

When in doubt, shoot us a text at 314-472-3457, and we will be happy to help.