Our Intentional Life daily journal is here to make journaling meaningful and easy! Every page has the same set of daily prompts. Complete one page per day or even one page per week. It doesn't matter, the goal is to simply start documenting. The back of our journal has a section dedicated to numerous "lists" that we know you will love. This area is here to help you quickly document and make notes of all your "lists" throughout the year!
Journal Prompts include, My Vision for Today ,List of Joy, Actions: Goals, Do Less Of, Do More Of, Something Funny, Do Good, Worries, I Am Proud That I, Ways I Have Been Blessed, Notes from Enlightened Reading
The back of the book has a lists section to note down important dates & events! It includes the following pages:
- Yearly List Pages Favorite Things: Products/Places, T.V. & Games, Books, Games, Music, Food, Activities
- Life’s Lists: Important Dates, Important Memories, Birthdays & Anniversaries, Holidays, Trips & Outings, Family Highlights.